Capra hunting and shooting experts across the world
Although there are 38 subspecies of capra Worldwide, these can easily
be categorised into species that make up the Real Big 5 Capra. A
bonus ball of the ambiguous Tur is also included, and from Carruthers’ list, the now protected Takin has been replaced by the Tahr, argued by some to not be a true capra. If you’re interested in caprinae hunting, get in touch today to discuss your options.
We cover Turkey, Europe and several other continents, including Africa and Oceania.
Markhor (capra falconeri falconeri)
At 42” at the shoulder and weighing 200 – 220lbs this is the greatest of all the goats. In addition to the prominent horns which can reach up to 1.6 metres, the stocky male has a black beard and a shaggy mane of long dark hair that hangs down from the neck.
Arthur Brinkman, in his book Rifle in Cashmere, shot several Markhors and classed them as the most difficult of all trophies, mainly due to the dangerous and unforgiving terrain in which they reside. We needed to learn more about this mythical beast.
The difficulties of hunting a Markhor are numerous. He is a worthy adversary, incredibly alert and nimble, defying gravity with his movements through the rocks, that only the fittest of hunters would be able to contemplate. There are five subspecies of Capra falconeri, and we can almost guarantee that Colonel Neame’s heroic feat of having shot all five in 1901 will never, sadly, be repeated. Ranging from the Laghman province in Afghanistan to the swat district on the cliffs east of Mankialn in Pakistan, they hail from one of the most inhospitable and dangerous corners of the earth. This, coupled with their extreme scarcity; with only an estimated 3000 remaining in the wild, means that only a handful permits a year are awarded, all by the Alburkhan Village Conservation committee.
There are in fact 5 sub-species of Markhor. Astor Markhor (Capra falconeri), Kashmir Markhor (Capra falconeri cashmeriensis) and the Suleiman Markhor (Capra falconeri jerdoni), that can all be legally and safely hunted in Pakistan. There is the Bukharan Markhor (Capra falconeri heptneri) from Tajikistan, where we have the only contacts in the country to secure a legal Markhor. Finally is the Kabul Markhor (Capra falconeri megaceros) who still exists in isolated pockets in Northern Pakistan and in locations in Afghanistan, due to the scarcity and unstable locations of this Markhor, hunting is not practical.

Having studied various hunting journals it became apparent that the animal may exist in good, if localised, numbers in the countries of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, as well as Pakistan. We have made contacts in these areas and are able to offer the chance to take a mature billy – win the lottery and we can prove the theory that money can buy happiness!
Ibex (capra sibirica sibirica)
The most numerous of the goats, with over 14 subspecies, is the Ibex. In actual fact there are only 7 true Ibex, with the other 7 in fact belonging to the wild goat family. These include Bezoar, Sindh and the Spanish Ibex, and although we classify them with their common name Ibex, they could really be considered by the hunter as a different species.
Of all the named Ibex, the largest and most magnificent is the Mid-Asian Ibex (Capra sibirica alaiana). This however, does not take anything away from the other sub-species, whom all have their own individual attributes. Despite the extreme challenge of hunting the Mid Asian Ibex, it is one of our most affordable, successful and therefore, most popular hunts. The terrain and extreme altitudes that makes up his habitat is as tough as anywhere in the world and his agility, awareness and fleet of foot, make this one of the hardest yet most satisfying hunts on the market. We have excellent links into both Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan which provide some of the best Ibex trophies in the world, and both at affordable prices, with no size limits. Our links into these countries enable us to guarantee our prices against other serious global outfitters. The country is not for the faint hearted however and a high level of fitness is advised.
Whilst skiing on the continent you may be fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of the Alpine Ibex (Capra ibex) meandering around the slopes. Until recently these were protected and due to their habitat will more commonly come into contact with humans, so in comparison tend to be relatively tame. Although we don’t actively advertise, due to the small demand, we organise hunts out of Slovenia & Switzerland for the Alpine, he does not come cheap however, but if you need the Alpine we can secure him. The Altai Ibex (Capra sibirica sibirica) and the Gobi Ibex (Capra sibirica hagenbecki), can be hunted in Russia and Mongolia respectively, although not as grand as the Mid Asian, both are very impressive animals, and due to less hunting pressure it is perfectly feasible to harvest a larger trophy in these subspecies than a Mid Asian.
The Nubian Ibex (Capra nubian) is a rare goat hailing from some fairly troubled areas, but The rarest is the Wallia Ibex (Capra walia), which to our knowledge is not protected, and hails from Ethiopia. We have made enquiries in the hope of being the only Outfitter in the world offering a chance at this rare goat.
Another very important subspecies to the Ibex family is the Himalayan Ibex (Capra sibirica sakeen) residing in Pakistan, probably the world’s premier location for mountain hunting. We have a trip to Pakistan planned for the 2016/17 season where we are hoping to make good inroads into the country and secure some reliable and safe hunting for some of the world’s premier mountain game. To join us on this trip please enquire. In Pakistan the sportsman can also take on the Sindh Ibex (Capra aegagrus blythi).

A sportsman or woman looking to seek an Ibex trophy with the ease of only travelling within Europe, should look into hunting the beautiful Spanish Ibex (Capra pyrenaica hispanica) in Spain.
A magnificent trophy that within his own taxonomy holds 4 different subspecies. We have a very high success rate of securing Spanish Ibex, and can offer the sportsman very good deals on this hunt.
Obtaining an Ibex is a very achievable possibility with us. The rates that we offer for the opportunity of taking the ultimate in Ibex trophies is so competitive that we will match any serious global outfitters price.
The Ibex hunt is one of the toughest yet most satisfying hunts we offer, and comes highly recommended. Stalking in stunning scenery chasing the cheese of all Ibex trophies.
Himalayan Tahr (hemitragus jemlahicus)
The Himalayan Tahr was described by George Schaller as “the quintessential goat” due to the mountainous and inaccessible terrain that it chooses for its home. The horns will reach a length of only 46cm’s but a mature bull in winter cape is a sight to behold, rivalling that of the Markhor.
The Tahr is probably the toughest climber of all the goats, making it a highly desired and worthy addition to any sportsman’s wall. Hunting him is certainly not to be taken lightly, and the keen sportsman must be willing to work for his trophy. Native to the Himalayas, unfortunately, its scarcity there, make it extremely expensive to chase.
All is not lost, however, because, in 1904, the Duke of Bedford gave 6 Tahr to New Zealand as a gift from Woburn Safari Park. The brutes duly escaped, bred like wildfire and now reside in healthy numbers throughout the Southern Alps of New Zealand.
Having conducted hunts in various South Island locations, we remain confident that there are few international outfitters who will be able to compete with our success rates on a Tahr hunt. Using helicopters to access the best ground, our team are able to combine this hunt with Chamois, giving hunters the opportunity to take 2 members of the big 5 goats in one 5 day hunt.
On our hunting trips to New Zealand, we have many options including locations

This is a very economical and satisfying hunt chasing one of the most agile and toughest of all the goats, we recommend New Zealand to be the best place for the novice to try their hand at Capra hunting. A high level of fitness is required for those attempting this hunt.
Chamois (rupicapra rupicapra)
This dainty little goat, with its white head and black facial stripes, is found from Italy throughout what was the Habsburg Empire all the way through to the Siberian hinterlands. There are 10 different subspecies of Chamois; the Carpathian Chamois (Rupicapra carpatica) is by far the largest of the sub-species, and can be hunted in the Carpathian Mountains of Romania. The most common of the Chamois is the Alpine (Rubicapra rupicapra) we can arrange hunts for him all over mainland Europe. In Spain hunters can pursue both the Pyrenean Chamois Rrupicapra pyrenaica) and the Cantabrian Chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica parva), the lesser known and larger Apennine Chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica ornata) resides in small pockets of the Italian Pyrenees and is strictly protected. A very viable option for the hunter and one of the larger subspecies is the Balkan Chamois Rrupicapra balcanica) which we currently organise out of Croatia and Macedonia. The Caucasian Chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra caucasica), which we arrange in parts of Russia and Azerbaijan and normally combine with a Tur (see below), and Anatolian Chamois Rrupicapra asiatica) do come with a higher price mark, but make for some truly wild hunting compared to the more accessible sub-species. Finally, for the specialist we can also arrange hunting for the Tatra Chamois (Rupicapra tatrica) found in Poland and Slovakia and the Chartreuse Chamois Rrupicapra cartusiana) we can arrange in France. In France, we also have access to the Vercor Chamois, an animal not yet officially listed as a subspecies. Chamois can also be found in New Zealand, where it is possible to be combined with a Tahr hunt. Although classified as a separate subspecies by GSCO & SCI, the reality is that the New Zealand Chamois is just a derivative of the Alpine Chamois.
Despite having a nervous temperament they are not the most difficult of quarry compared with other Capra, similar to Red deer in that they can be outwitted if

We offer a very good and successful hunt for the Carpathian Chamois out of Romania and for quality and quantity of trophies, this is our preferred destination. You are able to stalk this nimble adversary throughout the world and we can arrange hunting for every subspecies of chamois on the planet, except the Apennine which is protected.
Rocky Mountain Goat (oreamnos americanus)
Found in the Rocky Mountains and the Cascade regions throughout Yukon, Alberta, Montana and parts of Alaska living anywhere up to 4500 metres feeding on only sedges, lichen, herbs and when available grass. Their incredibly thick coat enables them to withstand temperatures of up to minus fifty degrees Celsius. The small horns for an animal which weighs in at 300 pounds are presumably attributable to its sparse diet. Having no serious predators, in that the mountain lion and wolf prefer lower altitudes and the nanny is protective of her kid, regards eagles, Capra Oreamnos is relatively common. They can be very wary and poor weather viability makes the stalk that much harder. It is a goat that is highly achievable and the team have some of the best locations in the United States to bag a billy.
This species of goat can be bagged at affordable prices, yet most outfitters are there to rip you off, whereas we offer this hunt at affordable prices with the need to go through the draw system.

Tur (capra cylindricornis)

In addition to hunting wild goats from around the world, we also hunt wild sheep across the globe.