With the majority of Black Bear being hunted with hounds or over bait, we have finally found a location where it is possible to stalk bear on foot.

Black Bear Hunting

Hunting Season: August – October(exact seasons change annually).

Black bear is an extremely adaptive species that can be found only in the United States, The bear is naturally a forest dweller, however his vast range in North America encompasses a massive variety of habitats; only being absent in the deserts and plains of the Mid West.  Despite his name, the Black Bear can actually be found in various different colour phases, cinnamon and blond bears are often seen, but the rarer blue bears can only be found in Alaska, there is even a genetic pool of heavily protected white bears. Black however is certainly the most commonly found colour.
Although differation colour is evident, there is an even bigger size variation. Some locations consistently harvest massive bears, and in some locations the bears only seldom get big; the average weight of an adult black bear is 200lbs.

Bears have especially keen eyesight and sense of smell, but their sight is limited. If a bear gets your scent, the stalk is over, but if the wind is right, and he is settled in his location bear are stalkable, even if you don’t have a completely covered approach. Despite this the most common forms of hunting Black bear are:

Over Bait
The safest and most popular method of hunting is from a high seat over bait. This is generally the favoured method in thick forestry where visibility is limited. This method is generally favoured in Spring bear hunts, where the bears emerge from hibernation ravenous. Hunting over bait very little fitness and gives the hunter some very unique insights into the behaviour of Black Bear. Shots are normally close, with the biggest problem being that most shots are presented in the final hours of daylight.

With Hounds
Considered by many to be unsporting, this practice has been outlawed in numerous locations. Upon finding fresh tracks, hounds are used to bay the bear (usually up a tree) for the hunter to approach on foot. The main benefit of hunting with hounds is the selectability of the bear: houndsman have the opportunity to identify maturity of the bear on finding tracks, and then again when the animal is up the tree. The shot will be very simple and has been described as anticlimatic, but of course there is that slight risk of being within feet of an angry bear. A certain level of fitness is required in order to keep up with the hounds over tough terrain.

By far the most difficult and of course rewarding approach to taking on a Black bear is on foot! Stalking bear is difficult, and the correct terrain and bear density, patience and local knowledge is required in order to make the stalk successful. The bear favour cover by day, only venturing into open at first light and again at dusk; this makes the stalkers job extremely difficult, requiring quick yet stealthy movement. Stalking will also present the hardest shot; from sticks and sometimes at distance, the sportsman must be prepared and confident to shoot accurately.
A hard thing to come by, but we have found an excellent location in stunning countryside where, although still not guaranteed, the ground and bear density allow for successful  stalking.

Our services are available throughout Turkey, Europe and across several continents, including Africa and Oceania.
There is also an option to harvest Columbian Black Tail

Over Bait
The safest and most popular method of hunting is from a high seat over bait. This is generally the favoured method in thick forestry where visibility is limited. This method is generally favoured in Spring bear hunts, where the bears emerge from hibernation ravenous. Hunting over bait very little fitness and gives the hunter some very unique insights into the behaviour of Black Bear. Shots are normally close, with the biggest problem being that most shots are presented in the final hours of daylight.

With Hounds
Considered by many to be unsporting, this practice has been outlawed in numerous locations. Upon finding fresh tracks, hounds are used to bay the bear (usually up a tree) for the hunter to approach on foot. The main benefit of hunting with hounds is the selectability of the bear: houndsman have the opportunity to identify maturity of the bear on finding tracks, and then again when the animal is up the tree. The shot will be very simple and has been described as anticlimatic, but of course there is that slight risk of being within feet of an angry bear. A certain level of fitness is required in order to keep up with the hounds over tough terrain.

By far the most difficult and of course rewarding approach to taking on a Black bear is on foot! Stalking bear is difficult, and the correct terrain and bear density, patience and local knowledge is required in order to make the stalk successful. The bear favour cover by day, only venturing into open at first light and again at dusk; this makes the stalkers job extremely difficult, requiring quick yet stealthy movement. Stalking will also present the hardest shot; from sticks and sometimes at distance, the sportsman must be prepared and confident to shoot accurately.
A hard thing to come by, but we have found an excellent location in stunning countryside where, although still not guaranteed, the ground and bear density allow for successful  stalking.

Our services are available throughout Turkey, Europe and across several continents, including Africa and Oceania.
There is also an option to harvest Columbian Black Tail

For more information on Black Bear Hunting, contact Real Big 5 on
+44 7977150104

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