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Chinese Water Deer Hunting, UK
Hunting Season: 1st November – 31st march
The Chinese Water Deer is native to the river valleys and lowlands of China & North Korea. It is one of the oldest living known species of Deer and dates back as far as 35 million years ago. It was introduced to Woburn Abbey by the Duke of Bedford in 1900, and due to releases and escapism has now become naturalised in the British Countryside. Being protected in its native homelands of China, the UK is currently the only country in the World where Chinese Water Deer can be legally shot.
His natural habitat is the reed beds and grassland along the great river estuaries, although in the UK he has adapted to life in Parkland and its associated woodlands but they far prefer their more natural habitat of fen land reed beds and the Norfolk Broads. Although water is not essential to them they certainly prefer swampy areas, as long as they have some thick cover in which to lie up.
CWD are generally solitary animals forming only loose family associations. Theya re territorial with a bucks home range overlapping that of many does. They will congregate in known feeding areas only at a time of food shortage. They tend to be a grazing species but will also
CWD are generally solitary animals forming only loose family associations. Theya re territorial with a bucks home range overlapping that of many does. They will congregate in known feeding areas only at a time of food shortage. They tend to be a grazing species but will also
browse shrubs and low tree branches. They are known for crouching when threatened or simply to ruminate, often lying flat in cover to become almost invisible.
The rut is in December, Bucks establish territories with scrapes and slots which they urinate in. Scent marks are also left using the sub orbital glands. They mark plant stems with their tusks and the bucks will often fight during the rut. A sign of aggression is for him to stretch the neck and shake the head from side to side. They use their tusks as weapons and gash at an opponent’s face or neck. They bark when in danger and bucks use a variety of clicks and squeals during the rut.