Pursue America’s ‘Pacific Ghost’ in the World Famous Mendocino County

Columbian Black Tail, California

Hunting Season:  October 29th – November 8th  (Archery/Muzzleloader season is longer)

With the Mule Deer only inhabiting the Western States of America, Black Tail deer, a form of Mule Deer, only inhabit the Western part of the Mule Deer’s range, namely the Pacific Coast. Roosevelt named the Columbian Black Tail the Pacific Ghost, and declared it was his favourite North American deer species to pursue. Although their range does stretch up as far North as South West British Columbia down through Washington, Oregon and into Northern California, it is generally accepted that the South of his range is where hunters have the best chance of securing a trophy buck. 

About the same size as a Whitetail, he is slightly lighter and shorter on the shoulder than his larger cousin the Mule Deer.

They are very watchful for their safety and normally post a sentinel to guard against surprise. As a rule old Males prefer a solitary existence for much of the year, joining the females during the rut. The gestation period for Chamois is twenty weeks and the female normally produces one, rarely two kids.
We operate hunts for Black tail in the famous Mendocino Country in the Red Wood Valley. This not only a stunning and fascinating location to visit touristically it is known to have the biggest Black Tail in America. With a trophy Black Tail being so coveted in the States there is a waiting list to get into our best location. However, if you do not need to harvest a Boone & Crocket head we can arrange ‘cull’ hunts for the species. This is not for very poor animals, but instead for trophies that are going back or have slight malformations, a head that for the travelling sportsman or woman would be very representative of the species.
There is also an option to harvest Black Bear, Bobcat & Coyote
We operate hunts for Black tail in the famous Mendocino Country in the Red Wood Valley. This not only a stunning and fascinating location to visit touristically it is known to have the biggest Black Tail in America. With a trophy Black Tail being so coveted in the States there is a waiting list to get into our best location. However, if you do not need to harvest a Boone & Crocket head we can arrange ‘cull’ hunts for the species. This is not for very poor animals, but instead for trophies that are going back or have slight malformations, a head that for the travelling sportsman or woman would be very representative of the species.
There is also an option to harvest Black Bear, Bobcat & Coyote

To book your Columbian Blacktail hunt, contact Real Big 5 on info@realbig5.com

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