Although smaller than his Mid Asian cousin, A hunt for Himlayan Ibex in Pakistan will test the endurance of the hardest of hunters.
Himalayan Ibex Hunting, Pakistan
Hunting Season 1st November – 30th April
Himalayan Ibex is very similar in appearance to his larger Mid Asian cousin. Colouration in both phenotypes varies and we have found the Himalayan subspecies to have a slightly browner coat with more white patches, compared with the greyer colour of Mid Asian, both species will darken with age. He has a smaller range, with the majority of his habitat in China and India where he is strictly protected, Pakistan is the only true viable option to hunt him; he exists in small pockets of Afghanistan also but in lesser numbers and posing very high security risk, we are yet to venture into his Afghan territory!!! There appears to be somewhat of an overlap in the Pamirs of the two species, perhaps accounting for the Mid Asian Ibex of Tajikistan being somewhat smaller than those of neighbouring Kyrgyzstan. His primary range is through the Karakoram Mountains of Gilgit Baltistan in Northern Pakistan. Pakistan is a shining star to conservation hunting, the now well known Markhor Awards have been created in the honour of Pakistan’s national animal in the hope that others may follow in the footsteps of one of Asia’s most successful conservation stories. As a result sustainable and well regulated hunting for Himalayan Ibex is now available in numerous and ever increasing locations.
We also offer other hunting services in Turkey, Europe and several other continents, including Africa and Oceania.