The Dark Continent has the biggest variety of game anywhere on the planet, and we have discovered some excellent free range hunting grounds.

Free Range Plains Game Hunting, Namibia

Hunting Season: 1st February – 30th November (Due to the weather we recommend April to early September as the best times to hunt).

There are over twenty species of antelope in Namibia ranging from largest, the Eland, to smallest, the Damara dik-dik. The Gemsbok, a striking antelope with long symmetrical horns and distinctive black and white markings is featured on the Namibian coat of arms. Namibia also harbours a wealth of small mammals. An appealing aspect of any hunt in Namibia is the opportunity to take many different species in one trip. Due to the relative ease in securing trophies in Africa, compared to the Alpine monarchs of the Northern Hemisphere, hunters visiting Namibia are able to return home with a variety of different species rather than just one.
With the same game species as South Africa but a far more appealing place to hunt with far fewer visitors, Namibia offers a far superior and less commercial hunting location for the serious sportsman or woman.

Our Hunting concessions in Namibia cover 70,000 acres, and we can accommodate both Bow Hunters and Rifle Hunters, with specific areas being managed to accommodate each. Hunting will be done through both spot and stalk as well as waiting from blinds. The area that we use is never over hunted, and no more than 15-20 hunting parties will visit this reserve annually. This obvious effect is that the game is not only plentiful but well managed and unlike other areas is never commercially over shot, which has a very detrimental effect to the quality of animals.

The numerous different species that can be harvested in one trip makes Africa a very appealing destination for trophy hunters. A number of species can be shot in only a couple of days making it an appealing destination for many hunters. Although we specialise in Alpine hunting for the Capra and Ovis, which in our opinion are the World’s finest beasts, we also identify the desire from our clients to hunt in the legendary dark continent.
Namibia presents good opportunities for hunters to secure a good number of different trophies of the southern savannah game species.

Holding one of the most impressive set of horns in the animal kingdom, The Greater Kudu has been long thought of as one of the handsomest trophies in Africa. Although his feeding habits will on occasion bring him out to gorge on plains of grass he is a browser by nature so is more commonly found amongst the shrubs and trees of the bush. The Males are generally solitary creatures and this allows the sportsman good opportunities to stalk in close to secure his trophy. He can be found in good numbers in Namibia and should not present any difficulties for the sportsman.

Our services are available throughout Turkey, Europe and across several continents, including Africa and Oceania.

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